Sunday, July 20, 2014

Late night, having late night thoughts gonna let them roll, I think I need to start looking into why I exactly am trying to do what I'm trying to do more, I wanna do things for the right reasons, it's pretty easy to get jaded, It be a lie for me to say that I'm not jaded or that I haven't been at times, I'm not sure where I'm going with this but I'd like to give this career a real shot and I think that means that I have to be smart about my decisions and to try and make the right decisions for the right reasons, find a way to set up goals and work hard and work for them and to not be fearless, but to not let fear stop me from trying to achieve my dreams, I've got a lot of feelings all around like this, I'm going to tap into it more, I could write forever but I think I will journal a little bit too, alrighty, night, peace, don't let it become and industry of cool.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

May the 4th be with you

May the 4th be with you is a saying I thought of yesterday, only to find out it actually already existed and the actual date may 4th is national Star Wars days, so much for me thinking I'm smart. It is Saturday at noon right now. I probably could put this blog off until later, but what the hell, I woke up this morning and did a groggy journal, one of the ways I get myself to wake up early is I get out of bed and instantly write a page of a journal, it helps with waking up because it's suppose to be those thoughts when you just wake up, so I pop put of bed and get it on paper listen to music or whatever I need to do to get it going. I know it sounds wierd but I enjoy it and look forward to it. I don't neccessarily want to summarize the week, there was really more of the same, a few workouts, an open mic, some stuff at camp. A fun 4th at a park and beach with games, food and fireworks. One of those weeks, that stuffs fun an all, ready to get back to work though, being proactive and taking new steps in my career, working out material, auditioning, training, practicing. Nirvana covers a song from an old Christian band called the vasolines I think, it's called Jesus don't want me for a sunbeam, I believe Kurt cobain and I share that feeling of what Jesus wants from us. Not suppose to be sunbeams, we are suppose to get to work, so I'm gonna go ahead and try and figure that out. Had good talks with Alan Perry and Michael Perry this week, talking a lot about baseball, starting to realize that baseball is a lot like anything in life. I am distancing myself from social media again, not as hard core, but it feels a lot better to just be connected with the world around you and what you can see, an actor needs to be able to do that. Actually did a bit on stage this week that went well for more than just one laugh, will have to see if there is more in that. I could keep blogging but I'm gonna put a hault to it and move on with the day, next though! Peace