Friday, April 25, 2014


My brother is in a play, opening night, that is pretty cool, i miss the transormative experience in the theater.  A lot of magical stuff happens on stage.  I dont have a lot to say, I finished my class at the Groundlings, today I had an audition through my KMR rep, I dont know what Im gonna do tonight, maybe hit a mic up, maybe just take in a show, we will see, ill do something.  I need to get more focused on the art and just making steady income I think, food for thought.  Gotta stay true to myself, alrighty, till next time.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

I'm sorry miss jackson... I am for reeeallll

Alrighty then. Let me run  you through what's digigity dog goin on. It might just be some late night euphoria but about exactly 30 to 45 seconds ago I put some things into perspective for myself.  I looked at my acting site that was given to me for free by Charlene and Larry's son Matt.  I think he may have updated the site because my page looks awesome, it already looked good but the format changed and everything it's really neat. I will give out the  website link in a blog after I have worked on it a little bit more, should be real soon. Well, I'm living in it, I'm out here, anyway I was looking at my page. I'm not going to name everything but I can't ignore the fact that I've got new agents, I've had recent bookings for small non union commercials and I have received a callback for a TV pilot and a commercial all within the last month or so, and to go along with that I am starting to work on my own projects which I will also talk about at another time, most likely amidst completion, I just mention it  because it was this new found hope I found while putting things into perspective by accident about 2 minutes ago..   Anyway I went to a church downtown today, pretty cool, I wasn't super attentive but the message was decent. I went to a Starbucks after and threw back a couple ice coffees with my gift card while I did some writing for my short and worked on budgeting among other things. I won't get to into detail with that but I'm working on it, I sadly declined to go out to the Cheesecake Factory tonight, went on a run instead, made myself my 99 cent spaghetti, a sand which with some meat and a hot dog. It's baseball season, I've been meaning to get on the mlb site and see how the cubs and the dodgers are doing. I went by an irish pub today that had a ton of games on the tv, it was tempting to walk in have an ale or two and watch a game. I haven't had beer in a week, I don't really need it that much anyway but I figured I can wait until my birthday to enjoy a beer or two. I've been cutting back and have been working out fairly frequently, some days more high intense than other. I went on a decent length run tonight, I'd say probably 3 miles maybe. I finished death of a salesmen yesterday, great book. I will have to decide what to read next, i still need to read mikes novel. I applied at a Quiznos today, kind of a random move but worth it I suppose. Bill sent me this great video this week on being creative and making deadlines, I thought it was interesting it talks about how it's easy to get dissapointed at the work you are making, because your a creative person, and you have good taste, and that's why you can tell it's missing that special something or just not as good as you'd want it to be, and one thin g that can help is to put up a big volume of work to close that creative gap. Alright, that's enough from this guy, catch ya later down the trail.

Friday, April 11, 2014


Yo blog. I have gotten in the routine again of waking up earlier again so that's good. I did some stand up tonight at an open mic, I actually got a few laughs, not rolling laughter but I think I got zero laughs the last time I tried it, so compared to that it was a success. I came up with this on my own I think, but I also read a thing that you should do at least one thing every day geared towards acting, which is part of the reason why I'm looking into and trying the open mic circuit. I also had class tuesday and Thursday at the groundlings they went very well I should probably journal about  what I learned. I listened to this amazing interview my grandpa al recommended with Danny  trejo, wow, he's a famous working actor now and he did like 10 plus years in the  can. Apparently he had some good acting lessons on staying alive or how to act tough when things were crazy, he was also a boxing champion. He had a pretty tough/challenging life, I figure if he made it through what he did, than I can too. Still making money but need to find a way to make some other income, had a good audition this week through my commercial agency haven't heard anything yet. I am doing things I've set out to do recently, and that is good but I am still feeling a little, for lack of a better word lazy, I think misguided is better. I get up, I do things, I get stuff done, I have auditions, I try to stay in shape. Some things I need to do for starters is budget, I'd like to sit down and just take a good look at what I've got and maybe think about what I need to make to live out here and take classes maybe drive a car ect. I don't feel lazy I actually just feel the need to fulfill my adult responsibilities I think, and I would also like to get out more socially and things of that nature, I'd also just like to feel motivated and feel like I'm  playing the game to win, and be aggressive and not afraid to get dirty. I have some short term deadlines set up for myself but I think along with the budgeting I am also going to set up some short term goals and possibly some other deadlines for myself. Alright I'll keep you updated.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Riding the wave

Well blog it is about an hour before I attend my first improv class. I have signed up and am attending the groundlings workshop B. It's a 3 week class with two classes a week different from what I normally do. Anyway I have been reading some of my past blogs and I am thinking that I need to take a risk, there has to be some sort of element of risk. I am not sure what that means, but at least I know that.  I have continued to write my short, I should  probably speed that along a bit. Lots of good thoughts going on here.  I've kept up with some of the reading and all that I reported in earlier blogs. I still need to find a side job, the preschool I worked at has mentioned interest in bringing me back for summer. This might be the time in life where Eric has to grow up a little. I also like the idea of riding a wave, about riding this wave of life and going with the flow accepting who you are and seeing what happens. Man I had a wild and funny cell phone adventure a few weeks ago, I may have already written about it, but it was stolen by. Guy that works at they dmv, sort of anyway. I should probably start making my way towards class, I will keep you updates and hopefully will get more of my short done after class. Peace!