Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Blog life

Wow. I haven’t blogged in a long time. I keep saying that I’ll do it but never get around to it. I’ll write this blog like it hasn’t been along time and I do it more regularly. I’m listening to heart of gold by Neil Young. I saw they had this song in the movie beautiful boy as he was driving on what looked like the pacific coastal highway, beautiful scene. Did my part time job today, had an audition this week, been hitting the gym and have been doing physical therapy for me knee, i had a basketball injury awhile back I’ve recovered pretty well the physical therapy is more about strengthening some small areas that’s still need it. I also did an open mic at this place called Genghis Cohen on Monday. It was a lottery draw and I got picked towards the end there weren’t that many people there at the time, the mic went pretty average. I did a mic at Bert’s back room on Friday that went great, you really never know what your walking into seems to be how it goes with these mics. I need write some new stuff, keep developing material, work on my writing and keep trying different venues. I’m also writing my own creative project on the side editing and continuing to work on that. There’s potential for a callback later in the week I felt good about the first audition, fingers crossed y’all. I’m working on cutting down consumption of alcohol and changing my diet some. So of course with my goal of only having three beers a week I’m proud to announce I have only had six so far this week :). Went to a trivia night Tuesday with a friend I play basketball with on the weekends. But my salad game is so strong right now it’s ridiculous. Just watched the newest episode of this is us, what a show. Alright that’s decent for a first blog in awhile, the dude abides.

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