Monday, May 2, 2016


So blog, its been awhile, how about an update.  This last week or two I would say the theme of my weeks has been Bill Murray.  I watched part of this interview where he talks about a wish that he has, and his wish is to become more here, more available, and not wanting to not have so much automatic response syndrome, but rather become his own channel in his body and his mind.  I like the idea of this, I don't really know exactly what it means, I assume it means to become more focused perhaps, that doesn't nail it down but I think if I talked in full what that meant to me it would take forever. I'll link that part of the interview at the end of the blog if anyone is interested.  The audition track has had its ups and downs like usual in terms of how many I get, not in terms of the outcome, what I've learned and have attempted to embrace is that outcome is not so important but rather just doing the best work you can in the moment is what is important.  I sprained my ankle for the first time in my life about a week ago, right around my birthday, I'm 27 now woo hoo!  I don't know if it was my first sprain but it was at least my first serious sprain, although I do suffer from trying to be a tough man syndrome so I wouldn't be surprised if I ignored an injury or two.  It hasn't been all bad, makes you slow down, and focus on what's important, there's a positive in every situation.  My friend Brad is visiting at the end of the month and I may have more visitors after that hasn't been nailed down yet.  This last weekend I went out for a friends birthday, Rachel also known as Ray Gray, we went to Booty LA, it was costume night, and a super cool dance hall, which was also sort of a drag queen night/strip club, it was all sorts of cool haha.  I went as Lenny Kravitz.  I didn't get any pictures I guess I was to in the moment.  It was good to update you blog, until next time.

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