Friday, April 11, 2014


Yo blog. I have gotten in the routine again of waking up earlier again so that's good. I did some stand up tonight at an open mic, I actually got a few laughs, not rolling laughter but I think I got zero laughs the last time I tried it, so compared to that it was a success. I came up with this on my own I think, but I also read a thing that you should do at least one thing every day geared towards acting, which is part of the reason why I'm looking into and trying the open mic circuit. I also had class tuesday and Thursday at the groundlings they went very well I should probably journal about  what I learned. I listened to this amazing interview my grandpa al recommended with Danny  trejo, wow, he's a famous working actor now and he did like 10 plus years in the  can. Apparently he had some good acting lessons on staying alive or how to act tough when things were crazy, he was also a boxing champion. He had a pretty tough/challenging life, I figure if he made it through what he did, than I can too. Still making money but need to find a way to make some other income, had a good audition this week through my commercial agency haven't heard anything yet. I am doing things I've set out to do recently, and that is good but I am still feeling a little, for lack of a better word lazy, I think misguided is better. I get up, I do things, I get stuff done, I have auditions, I try to stay in shape. Some things I need to do for starters is budget, I'd like to sit down and just take a good look at what I've got and maybe think about what I need to make to live out here and take classes maybe drive a car ect. I don't feel lazy I actually just feel the need to fulfill my adult responsibilities I think, and I would also like to get out more socially and things of that nature, I'd also just like to feel motivated and feel like I'm  playing the game to win, and be aggressive and not afraid to get dirty. I have some short term deadlines set up for myself but I think along with the budgeting I am also going to set up some short term goals and possibly some other deadlines for myself. Alright I'll keep you updated.

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