Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Riding the wave

Well blog it is about an hour before I attend my first improv class. I have signed up and am attending the groundlings workshop B. It's a 3 week class with two classes a week different from what I normally do. Anyway I have been reading some of my past blogs and I am thinking that I need to take a risk, there has to be some sort of element of risk. I am not sure what that means, but at least I know that.  I have continued to write my short, I should  probably speed that along a bit. Lots of good thoughts going on here.  I've kept up with some of the reading and all that I reported in earlier blogs. I still need to find a side job, the preschool I worked at has mentioned interest in bringing me back for summer. This might be the time in life where Eric has to grow up a little. I also like the idea of riding a wave, about riding this wave of life and going with the flow accepting who you are and seeing what happens. Man I had a wild and funny cell phone adventure a few weeks ago, I may have already written about it, but it was stolen by. Guy that works at they dmv, sort of anyway. I should probably start making my way towards class, I will keep you updates and hopefully will get more of my short done after class. Peace!

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