I got to see my Great Grandma Hazel again today who was being entertained by lots of family. I am so lucky to have a Great Grandma that I have been able to spend so much time with growing up. I look at her and it breathes memories of checkers games we've played and great meals Don and Hazel and I ate in Canton at the Angus, Laurie’s, and most recently Luckys. One of my most memorable Hazel stories was that she told me that she got an A on a test in high school and a teacher didn’t believe she could do it. He decided that she must have cheated and ripped the paper up. I love Hazel alot. I pray God loves her with all he has.
Right now my adventure is finding what I want and figuring out how I want to get it. This is also what I am encouraging my actors to do in the one act that I am directing called Check Please! It’s a play about a series of really bad dates, and is a very popular one act performed on the high school level. I am trying to get the actors in the play to be themselves. When an actor isn’t believable I think it’s usually because he or she is trying too hard. Recently I have been letting myself quit trying. Now I don’t meaning I’m hiding or avoiding but, not trying so hard to make whatever situation I’m in a good scene. In acting and in life I think it’s easy to forget who we are. The awesome part of being who we are is that we don’t have to do a damn thing, we just are and that’s fascinating, trying to hard alters and hides that side of us. I’d like to think a lot of these thoughts have been due to some great conversation with Brette Goldstein who Kim Bartling had come to USF and was made available to anyone on campus who wanted to learn about cast calling or business, or acting in general. Brette is a casting film agent from New York. What I liked the most about her was that we just talked. Important things on my mind made her list. Her list seemed to be that whatever we were about at the time was worth talking about, and it was something that could become powerful in our lives. She called David Bowe a woodland elf creature. Very personable lady, I was impressed at how well she relates and keeps a classroom interesting. I screwed the idea of possibly going to other colleges this year, USF is where it’s at and it keeps offering great opportunities to grow as an individual.
I feel that I am starting to find what world I want to live in. My mom has always told me that I could do anything if I put my mind to it. Most of my life I have appreciated the encouragement but have had a different translation for what she said. What I heard was that if you try really hard and have a goal hopefully some good things will happen to you along the way and you’ll end up having an awesome life. I think that’s still true actually, but that only has to be possible if that’s the world you want to enter. I now believe what my mom said. I believe we have the actual chance to do what we want to. To do that I believe I have to know what I want, and how I want to get there. The way I want to get their right now is by directing my one acts, and working diligently on all my end of the year projects. I want to watch the humans as I walk around USF and see what encounters happen and learn more about humanity. The world and life I want is right in front me. And I am more excited about diving into than anything else right now.
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