Monday, June 28, 2010

Page to Stage

I did page to stage this week with Kim Bartling this week. Page to Stage is theatre at Mckennen Park here in Sioux Falls. The audience consisted of small kids,parents, grandparents, but mostly kids. We worked are asses off and it was worth it. The result of our product was a happy audience and a cast that learned to lean and grow with each other. The people in the cast were Erika Woodward, Dominique Schuller, David Boe, Brad Hartzler, and Brandon Goodwin. I am so incredibly lucky to get to work with these talented people. I think I am a little more confident and have learned to work harder through these people. I realized this week that one of my big flaws is that I am all about big moments, I will build something up in my head as important and wait for the time to come to act on whatever I have decided is important. This results in bottled up worry that is eventually released, and the outcome and feeling of my self worth depends on what happens through whatever ensuing action happens. I used to think I was scared to become, but I think now more I am just scared to be. My goal is to quit looking for that next hint, that next sign to further my destiny. I am not saying that I want to control my passion to live, but I want to let my passion live in a state of realism. Realism is the opposite of what I was explaining before, before my passion was released through created worry that didn't even really exist except for in my own mind, realism is dealing with what really exists, not what might, or could. I'm finding little things are important, but not necessarily the things I think are important. So my goal is to let whatever subject around me is breathe so I can here what it sounds like before I react to it. Sometimes I tend to react to certain situations without consideration for myself, I find that when I consider and get to know myself, I find truth,love,patience,endurance, hugs. I will have to credit these thought to trial and error, walks,and people. I miss my friend Jeff Ballard, haven't seen him for awhile. Speaking of really good friends what a blessing to be able to spend the week with Brad Hartzler. Dude works hard, and is in it for the long hull. He's just fun to be around and it was great to have our relationship grow even more throughout this week. Brad Hartzler is that guy. I feel like I have more to write. Had a good conversation with my mom tonight. She told me to do what makes me happy, it's nice to hear that.

Elliot Smith quote-it might not be exact it's from memory
"Writing safe lyrics that you think people want to here are a really good way to fail, dyings another way."
I recommend listening to any of his music, but especially his song Miss Misery

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