I went to New York City in January. It was a great experience. With that said, I have had one event happen in my life since I came home that has taken me further away. It was during acting rehearsal for the play Warn where I felt completely naked and totally exposed. It wasn't until I accepted my flaws and went on with my big scene that I was able to stomach the moment. I finally entered into the scene and was so awakened that I wanted to run around and scream about how alive I felt. Just something I have been thinking about.
I met a very nice guy named Mike in Chicago at a Thai place where he told me I should order the Panang Curry. He was born in Brazil and lived their until he was twelve where a love for soccer grew in his heart. When he moved to Chicago he originally lived on the south side and is a White Sox fan and isn't fond of the Cubs. He was raised Muslim and Christian. So he takes part in a religion called Baha which is a mix of both. He says spiritual guidance is a good thing and something extra to keep you grounded. I randomly started talking to Mike and treasure the experience we shared. He'd just gotten off work. I didn't catch what his job was. I also met an interesting cab driver who commented on the White Sox vs. Cub rivalry. He said it wasn't really a game but a fight between families. He said the Black hawks winning the Stanley Cup united the two teams fans a little bit but not much. Their was a celebration at wrigley field among Cubs and White Sox Fans and he said you would have thought it was Mecca. He had a crazy laugh that made me laugh uncontrollably because of how ridiculous it was, the man was very calm at the beginning of the ride and had me questioning if he was driving drunk or was on some heavy drugs, maybe his laugh was just insane. I tried to start a conversation with him right when I sat down but he didn't get excited until I started quietly singing to myself about the Cubs. I rode with C.J, Alex M, and Dave M. Dave M knows how to live it up. This dude had double age on all of us and had perhaps the most energy. We had good talks throughout the trip and thoroughly enjoyed heckling each other during the games. C.J is my boy and as he tried to continuously out smart every one we gave him shit continuously. C.J is a good friend, love every minute I get to spend with that guy. Alex and I enjoyed the trip and remembered all the days in high school I stayed at his house. We are brothers.
Once again the theme that is planted in my mind when I am on vacation is finding out what home is all about. When I am at home I can forget what beautiful things are out their. So like in my acting scene I dare myself to seek even further away from home within my own city, to do things that I haven't done before. I want to be naked every day. Not just on my birthday.
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