Sunday, February 24, 2013


Tonight I was reading an article in the backstage acting trades to hopefully learn more about the industry.  I read this article that had a long list of tools or advice to help an actor and his or her career.  Lots of times when I read this articles it is a lot to stomach and Im not always sure I get much out of it, but on this point list a specific word, and topic was covered that help me put all the advice into perspective so I could take something away from it.  It was persistance, you have to be persistant is basically what its saying, not give up, do plays, audition, perform, continue putting yourself out there.  One of the reason this rings true to me is because when I met my agent for the first time he came out in the hallway and got me at a open call.  He commented on my look, asked me what I liked to do, we had a conversation, I really didnt have that much to say, I was just kind of excited that I had some how found myself sitting in his office, a little dumbfounded, that was probably the time I should have been alert and ready for conversation, haha anyway he had a lot to say and it was fine.  He let me know that the reason he brought me in his office, and wanted to take me on as a client was because he knew I was serious because I kept coming back, I was persistant.  Now, let me add here, I was living very intentionally but really had no idea what I was doing as far as pursuing the agent, but I never quit, and I landed an agent.  I think that my career will be defined by things like this, but the agent was just 1 wrung, even though I was a little high when I left that office knowing that I must have done something right some how, I thought I must have a little bit of the right idea on how to do this.  I have to approach my whole career like this, it cant be just to land the agent but it has to be to market myself, to book the next job, to find creative and meaningful work, to pay the bills, to network, to stay positive, to work out.  Now that is a long list of things after a simple idea so I will also quote Al Pacino, he the name of the game is you want to find work that is acting, the name of the game is to have a script a performance and an audience.  You need those things and you have to work hard but believe one thing will lead to the next.  You have to open yourself up in performance so its about the unknown and you dont really know how your going to appoach it at all.  So I have tried a few things out here and read a lot on acting, so i have my experience and my research.  But what rings with me is the word persistance, thats one of the only words that makes sense to me, all I know that it means not giving up, not getting discouraged.  I have been auditioning a lot commercially lately, an open all for a movie and thats about it.  I need to be an active participant in my career.  I have to overcome that mindset that says you will go here and get discovered and become famous, but rather think you will go here and do the work you came to do, the work you love, and yes have high hopes, hope something great comes of it, but love what your doing while your doing it and things will unfold itself.  I will not give up, I have a lot to give, and I must keep giving it.

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