Sunday, January 24, 2010

Poor Brad

I went to Neighborhood Church of Greenwhich Village. It was an interesting service. A beautiful Cello was being played. The sermon bashed Oprah, Tiger Woods, and Billy Graham. It wasn't for me, but at the same time I still liked the people alot. They invited me to come to a meal thursday and to play Ping Pong at some Jazz club. The rest of the day was simply chips,pop, and football. I was wrong on both of my predictions, damn those Colts look good. I think it's a shame the Vikings lost. I talked to Brad during most of the second half, and I feel for the guy, poor Brad.

Backscratcher scene 1
Hulio: Hey Tolkein
Tolken: Hey Fellas
Stanley: Hows it goin Tolkein
Tolken: Great what are you guys up to?
Stanley: Me and Hulio just won a backscratcher, Hey Stanley, let me try
Hulio: Dis is my scratcher I won it
Stanley: That's not fair because you got the root beer, but I bought the case-
Hulio: Son you dont even know , you got that case for free
Stanley: I pitch in and give you a case, and it was to contribute to your gift to make it ours, this was done from the bottom of my heart. Because of your disrespect-
Hulio: No respect!
Stanley: Because of your disrespect! we must battle.
Tolken: You guys can't be serious, don't go through with this we are friends.
Hulio: Mwa!
Stanley: I will meet you outside by the cougar in 10 minutes
End scene 1


  1. I am a bit confused by the scene. What is the context?

  2. Who took this pic and where? It is rich in composition and color.

  3. This picture was taken by none other than Jon Hardcastle. The scene is based off true events it takes place in a dorm room.
